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The Textmapping Project
A resource for teachers improving reading comprehension skills instruction

Pledge Form


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The Textmapping Project
290 Glenn Avenue
Lawrenceville, NJ 08648

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Bullet point. Red arrow pointing to the right. Please read the terms [see below], then complete this form and click on the "Send my pledge" button.

Directions: Please read the terms [below, right], then complete this form and mail it to the following address:
The Textmapping Project * 290 Glenn Avenue * Lawrenceville, NJ 08648

Terms of this Pledge

Bullet point My purpose for making this pledge at this time is to demonstrate to foundations, by example of my early support, that The Textmapping Project merits their support as well. In order to establish itself as a going concern, The Textmapping Project will need support from a variety of sources, and so I will wait to honor my pledge until:

Bullet point. Red arrow pointing to the right. The Textmapping Project is granted non-profit status as a 501(3)c corporation, and...

Bullet point. Red arrow pointing to the right. Foundation support is arranged in an amount that covers at least 20% of The Project's budgetary needs.

Bullet point I am concerned about the privacy of my personal information. For this reason, Privacy Policy [] version 1.1 [] is incorporated into the terms of this pledge.

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