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The Textmapping Project
A resource for teachers improving reading comprehension skills instruction

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Bullet point This page contains thumbnail images of all photographs and drawings on this site. Click on any thumbnail to be taken to the location on this site where the full-sized image can be viewed.

Bullet point Note that in some cases you will see two or more copies of a particular thumbnail. This indicates that the image in question appears more than once on this site. Each thumbnail links to a different instance of the image.

drawing of an open book. | Drawing of a teacher taping scroll to blackboard.| Drawing of a Teacher marking scroll on blackboard. Shows notes scribbled on blackboard, some with arrows pointing to location in scroll, and other graphic markings.| Drawing of an unrolled scroll.| Drawing of an scroll with arrows drawn pointing to each of the headings.| Drawing of a scroll with each heading highlighted and circled.| Drawing of a scroll with a box drawn around each section. Illustrates how drawing a box around each section makes it easier to see at a glance how the sections compare in terms of size and typographic context.| Drawing of a scroll that has been marked with highlighters and colored markers. Shows margin notes and certain key features circled, colored and otherwise marked.| illustration of a blank scroll| illustration of a scroll with sections marked| illustration of a scroll with the subsections marked in the second section| illustration of a scroll with two paragraphs marked in the first subsection of the second section| Photograph of a teacher kneeling on the floor, taping photocopied pages together to make a scroll.| Photograph of a smiling teacher sitting on floor with scroll unrolled in front of her.| Photograph: Teacher walking along, partially bent over, with a marker in hand, looking down at a scroll that she has unrolled on the classroom floor.| Photograph: Teacher walking along, partially bent over, with a marker in hand, looking down at a scroll that she has unrolled on the classroom floor.| Photograph: A middle school student looking at an unrolled scroll on the floor.| Photograph: second graders map a scroll on the floor.| Photograph: second graders map a scroll on the floor.| Photograph: Fourth and fifth grade students collaborate to map a difficult text.  They can see at a glance the layout and content across many pages.  This encourages them to stretch, question and discuss.| Photograph: Fourth and fifth grade students collaborate to map a difficult text.  They can see at a glance the layout and content across many pages.  This encourages them to stretch, question and discuss.| Photograph: Fifth grade girl is actively engaged in the process of marking her scroll.| Photograph: Fourth and fifth grade students collaborate to map a difficult text.| Photograph: community college students collaborate on mapping a scroll in a reading and study skills class.| Photograph: community college students collaborate on mapping a scroll in a reading and study skills class.| Photograph: community college students collaborate on mapping a scroll in a reading and study skills class.| Photograph: Instructor refers to scroll mapped by community college students during reading and study skills class.|

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